
I have a business

Yes, for about one year now I have worked my own web site. I really believe that it is a wonderful opportunity! So why has it been so hard for me to talk to people about it and get the word out? This is the question that is on my mind on a daily bases. So here it is. My web site is a travel site, you can book airline tickets, rent cars, book hotel rooms, send flowers, reserve T-times for golf and even buy a car! Everyone that has used my site has saved money. So I ask again why is it so hard to let people know about it? My conclusion is selfesteem. How I long for that girl that could talk to anyone and do anything she wanted. How did I get here? So enough already with the couch session. My travel site is paulastravelbuys.com if you are looking for a fall break vacation or just to get away for the weekend, compare my site to the ones you normally use and if I'm the better buy then please book with me. Also if you are interested in writing off your personal travel and getting those wonderful FAM trips then just ask me how. Happy vacationing!

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